Thursday, March 13 (between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.) an operation is planned on the authentication server
which may cause connection issues on Sciencesconf
The ‘OSYR’ (Open Science for young researchers) project was selected by the ANR in 2024 as part of the RESO call for proposals (Research into the practices and challenges of open science).
Supported jointly by university libraries and research laboratories, OSYR aims to analyse the mechanisms for raising awareness of and providing training in open science, their appropriation by young researchers and the effects of these mechanisms on the practice of open science.
On 17 March, the OSYR project will be officially launched at the University of Lille, at LILLIAD.
Through a variety of stands and presentations, this half-day event will provide an opportunity to
discuss the cross-cutting issues of the doctorate in France and Belgium, and the place of open science in this context,
offer feedback on current or finalised projects relating to the practices of researchers and young researchers, in general and in terms of open science, in France and abroad,
present mechanisms for raising awareness of and training in open science, aimed at doctoral students.